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Premium Module Projects - Who?

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 9:19 am
by Grov
Anyone who knows who was working on Premium Modules/Bioware DD when Atari pulled the plug?

I would appreciate any pointers, this lurker is quite curious as always.

EDIT: List added
EDIT: Darkness over Daggerford

- Wyvern Crown of Cormyr by DLA
- Tyrants of the Moonsea by Alazander (thx Primo)
- Unknown by Remington Studios, not to be released (Thx Raven)
- Darkness over Daggerford, by Ossian Studios

I would tnow assume that the following entry now corresponds to the Darkness over Daggerford module.
- Unknown by the BW Live Team, possibly Witch's Wake 2 by Rob Bartel

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 9:33 am
by Primogenitor

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 10:21 am
by Grov
Added a list to my first post.

Any more out there? Anyone whos not yet gone public?


Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 1:26 pm
by raven280
Hey Grov,
Take a swing by the forums on DLA. There was a post there a couple of days ago about the former CODI members who were working on a DD project when the plug was pulled. It talks about who they were (by name), what they are supposedly doing now, and some mention of their project (and unfortunately they decided to protest the Atari DD pull by simply leaving the community and not releasing what they were working on....kind of a quiet protest). I think Atari has really put a bitter taste in the NWN1 communities mouth for this stunt, but I am so proud of how DLA has stepped up to the plate anyway, to finish and release crowns, and keep the community informed as to how all of this transpired over the last few years.


Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 12:52 pm
by Grov
As you told and showed me of the DLA thread concerning CODI, CODI is no more and commissioned work will ever slip out of Remington Studios either.

Is that it, Alazander, DLA and Remington Studios as DD-projects at the time of The Great Unplugging?
Three projects? Maybe. Hmm.. Ponders...

There are others...

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 1:15 pm
by raven280
I know it was referenced in the Bioware forums that there were also some internal DD projects from the Live team... I doubt we will ever see any of those projects unless some of what they contained appear in the last patch. I really cant think of any more DD projects that I had heard of than these...

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 4:44 pm
by Bannor Bloodfist
[quote=Grov]As you told and showed me of the DLA thread concerning CODI, CODI is no more and commissioned work will ever slip out of Remington Studios either.

Is that it, Alazander, DLA and Remington Studios as DD-projects at the time of The Great Unplugging?
Three projects? Maybe. Hmm.. Ponders...[/quote]

Pirates of the Sword Coast was created in part by several 'teams/contractors'. The tilesets themselves specifically were created by another group. No one that I had heard of before though, and I can't remeber the name. Bioware did have to do quite a bit of repairs on those two sets though.

DLA did the sharks, seagulls, a few other creatures and many placeables and items.


Infinite Dungeons was based on work by commnity members as well. In that one, DLA did some of the tielsets and most if not all of the Bosses. Other items, placeables and content as well.


As to the rest? I don't know exact numbers, but I think there were other projects/teams that were cut on the same day that Alazander, DLA, Remington, and at least one other, were cut. My numbers are probably wrong though, and at this point it doesn't really matter as the DD projects are shut down. We may get lucky and see that content make it out, and it actually may make it out the door as free vault releases OR the teams may decide to just scrap all the hard work and walk away.

Alazander IS going to release his works. Soon.

CODI has basically said no way, we are keeping the best stuff for ourselves. Although they did release a whole bunch of work that had never been fully completed with their latest creature pack and they may still release some of their other stuff. Sad too, a lot of work had gone into their project, and I am not sure why they didn't want to finish it and at least let the public beat a path to their door for that other content!

DLA IS going to release theirs. Soon.

Beyond those three, I have no idea who or what was being worked on.


Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 9:56 pm
by raven280
" Alazander IS going to release his works. Soon. "

Hey Bannor,
Do you have any idea what Alazander was working on specifically? I don't think that I have ever heard of him or know who he is.....


Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 10:25 pm
by Bannor Bloodfist
[quote=RAVEN280]" Alazander IS going to release his works. Soon. "

Hey Bannor,
Do you have any idea what Alazander was working on specifically? I don't think that I have ever heard of him or know who he is.....


This guy: Legend of Moonsea

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 10:42 pm
by DM_Mask