Dragonlance Chronicles Reborn
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Re: Dragonlance Chronicles Reborn

Post by Winterhawk99 »

I write today with a heavy heart. Master Bartrane sent me to a place called Haven. It rest near a river. The ground is swampy, the air dreary with rain much of the time. Outside the city I met a caravan of people offering games of chance. There was Dice, cards and a strange wheel with symbols on it.
I know nothing about cards or dice so I chose to investigate this wheel. The man in the tent explained the game to me and vaguely described the odds. Reading the wheel I came up with the odds on my own. I spun the wheel three times. Each time I lost all my trade coin. I may have continued for it was a fun thing to do but loosing all my fee every time went against the odds. I looked at the wheel and back at the man concluding that the wheel itself must be balanced to his favor. I stopped playing heading the city to find the mage Eurgo.
Once in the city; I began my investigation of this place in earnest. The people looked to me with grave suspicion. Fingers played with items just under their belts. Eyes narrowed as I crossed their paths. I found plenty of merchants to trade with but they bought low and gave me excessively high rates for their own wares except for two people. The woman tailor and Eurgo himself. He seemed to enjoy my presence while I dropped a letter on his counter for him and perused his wares.
I am well aware of prejudice. I must say my own people carry humans in disregard. I did not think that humans would feel the same way about us as we of them. In the cities I have known until now I have not seen this Phenomena: That is until I ventured to Haven.
After completing the task for Master Bartrane and trading all I could I went to investigate outside the walls for delicate edible bulbs that are rumored to grow in boggy ground. While gathering I found a site I could not believe. The humans of the city were caging their own kind. Confining them all in a big cage near a building just outside the south wall. I have never seen the brutal savagery of humans before. There were so many people in such a small space. It smelled of death and refuse. I had to turn my back and walk the other way.
That wasn't the worst of it. I walked a mere hundred yards to find three heads upon spears stuck in the ground. They had decapitated three men! Flys swarmed the remains. Maggots fell from the noses and eye sockets of the heads. At this point I ran, little did I know I would come upon the worst sight yet!
Running past a tree I heard a soft moan. Turning around I saw her. It was a woman Crucified against the tree with a dozen long dirks pinning her there. Blood slowly dripped from the wounds. She had defecated herself until there was nothing left in her bowels. Bug bites covered every inch of her exposed skin, yet her labored breathing said she still had life within her bones.
At this point I almost fainted but I new in my heart I could not. Something had to be done. I looked carefully around to make sure no one saw me. It was a quite place. The cage they kept their own kind in misery was far away. The walls of the city were far enough away that no one would see clearly.
I put my hand to my mouth in both fear and anger as tears started to flow from my eyes. Going up to her I slowly let her drink from my canteen. When she was quenched I put my hand to her cheek in sympathy. Her eyes looked to me in both gratitude and resignation.
As my small dagger found her lung...…She smiled.
I quickly and quietly left that city of horrors, Its uncaring people, and its barbarism. Coming back to the school I gave Master Bartrane the correspondence from the mages and herbalists he had sent me for. I was vague about my experiences in Haven. He seemed to know that something had happened and that I had a distasteful experience. He did not push me about it.
As much as I love the humans that have become my friends on this journey. I hate their capacity for such evil. I must learn to guard myself better from those humans that would do these things and be more cautious when entering a new city.
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Re: Dragonlance Chronicles Reborn

Post by Winterhawk99 »

Master Bartrane puts me through a series of drills every day. "Change the color of the candles to blue today Aiauta. Change your dresses with magic." Change, change, make new. It as been exhausting.
I am relieved that he has sent me to a new place to meet someone. The quiet walks along the roads and paths by myself does me good after all the people in the city constantly going about. It sometimes makes my head hurt.
After two days waiting at the Three Friends inn. A mage in Red Robes walks in. We strike up a conversation. Now relaxed from being alone for awhile I can make small talk ( I think that is what the humans call it. It is a talk of pleasantry's before an exchange of some business.) The man drinks several drinks then mentions Master Bartane. I nod to him while passing him the reagents that he needs for his research. He then gives me a letter and a few potions. Now that business is concluded I stand up to make my way out and to the relief myself of the crowded inn filled with dwarfs.
He Grabs my forearm gently.
It startles me at first. I turn my head to look into his eyes. it is now he mentions, "I have heard there is a secret way into Qualinost just south of here? You wouldn't mention the way to an old man now would you?"
I quietly say to him, "I could not mention such an thing to you. I am not an elder."
Letting go of my arm and smiling he says to me, "I understand, Good day to you sister."
Now out of the inn I look to the south and then north. On a hunch I go south and continue until I come to a massive Fortress. There are dirty humans living on the outside of the walls. They are dressed in rags. Perhaps it is the disadvantaged of the people who are not accepted in human society. I have read about these humans Gypsies, vagabonds, and street people. The place smells so badly with dirty air from fires within the fort that I turned around and started walking back.
I find a camp just past the mountains. It is getting late so I decide to rest the night here among the forest and quiet sounds of the animals surrounding me. In the morning I wake up with fur in my face. The biggest wolf I have ever seen in my life (1/2 size larger than a horse) is sleeping almost on top of me!
I squirm around for my spell components. Maybe I can charm him. Instead it wakes him up. He puts a huge leg over my chest and begins slurping and licking my face and hair. Is he taste testing his meal or something and now I smell like dog! I give up and take it. If he is going to eat me I really cant do anything about it.
Just as I am thinking that the wolf gets off and starts to go into the woods to the west. I quickly roll my bedroll and follow him. I follow west at a great distance then slightly south. I start to hear voices and laughter. The wolf breaks off and runs away.
I follow the voices to a small clearing. There is a tower of sorts a few empty merchant stalls and several elven guard. I have come to the outskirts of Qualinost our capital city. Going further I come to the city proper and stare at all its wonders. The city is clean. The water clear. The homes are set well apart enough for each to have its own garden. It is a place of peace.
After exploring the city of wonders I come to the temple of the Sun. I go inside to find the elders quietly keeping court in a splendid hall. I giggle to myself wondering if Master Bartrane would perhaps like to move his school to this tiny spot of paradise surrounded by the realms of humans.
I visit for several days meditating along the banks of the streams and rivers. Finding peace within myself after the recent horrors I have endured. And now I make my way back to the human lands and the city of Caergoth.
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Re: Dragonlance Chronicles Reborn

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The short days have come. Snow sometimes covers the ground then melts. When those sunny days come slush, horse dung and mud line the streets where wagons roll and knights trot. It is cold most days. Master Bartrane and I stick close to the fires of the tower when possible. When not we use spells to keep us warm. The city has become a muddy, cold hell. The good news is it doesn't smell as bad.
On my last couriering journey I stopped by the tailors place. I spoke about not liking the cold. She laughed and said she had just the thing for me. Coming back a few days later She had made me a long coat of thick material and high black leather boots. She told me it would keep me warm. I thanked her and tried the apparel paying a little less for her services than normal. It seems I have become shrewder about merchandise these last months due to my business with clothing.

My apologies to myself for being short. My fingers are quite cold and tired from my studies.

At first I was thrilled. The clothing worked as she had promised. After a week the back of my heels blistered broke, blistered again and bled. My heel is raw from the friction of the boots. After two weeks my feet got use to them or they to the way I walk. My feet started to heal. Now I have callouses on my feet to protect them from these infernal torcher devises. I can walk with comfort now in the boots and my coat not only keeps me warm it protects my inner clothing from the mud and slush of the city. I am pleased.
I will think back to this time in the decades to come. Read these passages and think to myself how much fun it has been for I will have forgotten the little irritations that I have to endure.
There are a few things I should mention. When I was on my way to Solace from Crossings a caravan driver pleaded with me to take some supplies to the city he offered trading coin. As I looked into his eyes I suddenly understood that he could not get anyone to travel in this weather. I accepted more for the needs of Solace and the honesty in his eyes than anything else.
Bandits accosted me twice. Both times Heckle alerted me to the dangers then flew off taking their attentions away from me while I cast my spells. One of the strongest spells I have is a spell to temporarily blind a person. I used it to blind the bandits hoping that they would break off their attack for the caravan's goods. Sadly it didn't. We had to put an end to their lives. I just don't know why they would not leave us alone even with my spells affects. It sadden my mood during the journey.
While in Solace there was an unusually warm day. I traveled south to explore the outskirts and particularly a well worn trail off the road. What I found was something of a meeting place. Possibly for couples. There are Stairways built up the steep foothills and an area on a very large cone shaped hill with a tower upon its crest.
Going up a found a peaceful quiet place of rest. Squirrels frolicked around the ground looking for their buried treasures. Several birds flew from bush to bush almost waiting for me to do something. What that is I am not quite sure but the place gave me some much needed peace.
I found another odd thing on the backside of the tower. I hummed as my hand traced the stones of the tower meditating on the peace of the place when my fingers came upon a groove in the stone. Stopping I looked to see what this grove meant. There was some moss and lichens covering the stone. I scrapped the plant life away eating some of the lichen, and there I found something special to me. They were names and dates tracing back 500 years from others that came before me and rested here finding this stone. Gesh, Usha, Semi, Issil. I added my name to the list and the year. It is only fitting that I continue the traditions of my brothers and sisters.
I smiled and felt such warm feelings inside. I'm not really sure exactly why but it delighted me and lifted my rather sour mood from the weather and trials living among the humans of the city.
During the rest of the trip my eyes must have taken on a sharper focus because many of the people I met smiled more than usual and seemed to know of my happiness. It seems that this joyful mood can infect other people especially humans.
When I came back Master Bartrane had a battery of lessons for me. I studied hard for many weeks. After studying, he taught me two new spells and said the third part of my lessons begins now. For the first spell he once again took me to the jousting grounds with a waggoneer and a load of chickens. He went over and over the spell with me until I had all its nuances down. He then released the chickens and I threw the spell. Some of them had taken wing and fell as soon as I cast the spell in complete confusion. It made me laugh at them all croaking and trying to fly but could not take enough air to get going. It didn't even hurt the chickens but you would think that it would by the way they clucked and squawked. They all moved so slow you would think they were puppets being pulled upon strings to move.
The other spell he taught me was much more serious. An abjuration that he had to test me by putting me in danger. We went far away from the city to a forest clearing for this. He cast the very same spell on himself and told me to do the same a little distance from him. I did so and after he saw me cast he called forth a creature. It was small but for some reason I knew in my heart it was something not of this realm. something dark.
It attacked me but could not cross the barrier. it pounded at the invisible shield to no effect. Master Bartrane dispelled the evil beast when satisfied that my spell barrier held and was effective.
Later that night he almost apologized for his methods, but he said that it was the only way for him to tell if his lesson had taken hold. I smiled and simply said that it did and I am not harmed. I then questioned him on this test. He smiled and shushed me with his finger to his mouth then bid me a goodnight. I thought on his words until sleep came to me. He said that the barrier would not completely protect me and the people I protect with it from powerful evil but it would slow them down. It is an important thing to keep in mind if ever I come into that situation.
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Re: Dragonlance Chronicles Reborn

Post by Winterhawk99 »

Things are going well with my studies. Master Bartrane is having me focus on strengthening myself in ways I have never heard of. Well when my parents taught me magic they never mentioned these exercises. How do I explain them.....meditation?...…..willpower? I am not sure. He wants me to focus on the things that make me a unique person to myself. Envision my likes, my hates, The things that I do that strike emotion within me. The things that others do that strike emotion within me.
He tells me that if I were an enchantress he would have constantly match his raw willpower against mine until he could not make me do as he pleases. If I were an illusionist he would constantly work fool me with his own so that my mind could pierce any misrepresentation. Since I am a transmuter he knows that one day if I have learned enough I will be able to shift my own body to look like any creature therefore he is teaching my mind to keep its inner being the same no mater what form I would take so that the transformation cannot take hold permanently.
I must say that it is an interesting concept even if the lessons seem to have no immediate purpose I am studious of these exercises and practice them to sharpen my.....soul?.....being? I really have not the words for this thing.
I have ever done my best not to get emotional and sometimes I confound him in that regard. There are few things that play upon my mind. One such circumstance is the woman at Haven. there are a few others but they are far away now. Master Bartane doesn't realize that my apparent dispassion of the world really isn't that at all. It is...…...something else I have no words for. I guess we elves live so long that sometimes we seem disengaged when really we are not. You just have to get to know us more, I think.
He has sent me on a sort of vacation a month away from the school. I have improved greatly. He said to go home and be with family for awhile.
I cannot do that of course and decided to go study these giant wolves further. I arrived at the camp where I first found the wolves. One was there. I followed it around for two weeks studying its behavior. These giant wolves live in much smaller family groups than the packs of their cousins. They run in groups of 3-5 small family units. They let me go about my business undisturbed. Some even put their muzzles up to my head to get a deep smell of my scent. It may be some form of greeting or jester. I am not sure because I do not speak wolf.
Of course I am smart enough to not go anywhere near I would suspect a den may be. A mother wolf could easily pick me up and snap me in half in the time it would take me to scream my protest. I have also made sure that Heckle stays far away from my investigations. His mischievous nature does not bode well with such powerful creatures surrounding me. I also quickly leave when they hunt. Not only should I not be around during their bloodlust and may become a potential target if there is not enough for the family unit. I find it displeases my own stomach to watch such things. I understand that wolves are mostly carnivores and need their food. I simply cannot bear to watch such things.
I also find that these wolves seem much more intelligent than the average canine. They seem to measure encounters with other creatures before acting. From squirrels and badgers to the great bears that roam the area they stop take measure then act accordingly to the presence of another being.
It is an interesting study and I hope I have made some acquaintances with the groups I have watched. Now that my studies are almost over I find them almost as individualistic as any of the races of people I have encountered. I will make a full and detailed report of my findings when the time for it comes. For now I am packing my sleeping roll and tent for the journey back to the school.
With the way my studies have progressed this mage test should be soon upon me. I still have no idea what it will encompass, and will have to wait for Master Bartrane to reveal what this test will be like.
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Re: Dragonlance Chronicles Reborn

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The long winter is over and spring once again brings new life to Ansalon. I find plentiful food and include some edible wild flowers to my diet. Master Bartrane often picks them out of the food I bring him. I wonder if humans can eat them. They should be able too, I think being that I am using mostly human books for my references for this foreign climate.
When I am at school I help Master Bartrane with classes and encouraging his few other students. I don’t really know how much I help, but it does feel wonderful to help in other ways other than couriering and making potions. I know this tower test is near so I have decided to do something special for Master Bartrane for getting me through this and accepting me as a student even though he need not have.
My people are strong in magic and know of many ways to use magic the towers would not know of. We do not worship the gods and have not statues or temples dedicated to them. Most of our wounds are healed through herbal magic however we do know other magic to heal with. Only one person can perform this form of magic the leader of the village, and only when she finds it absolutely necessary. Mother describes it as necromantic in nature and we hate to use the magic of the soul for anything knowing that it comes from an evil place.
So now I open my other spell book the one that is written in a magical variant of my peoples’ language and make a scroll for Master Bartrane. In time he may be able to decipher the scroll and perhaps learn the spell we call ‘From You to Me.’ The spell heals the subject that it is cast upon and passes the injury or sickness to the caster. From there the caster incurs ailment in a lesser form. They will heal quicker than the subject would on his or her own. The spell has extremely limited use and it is necromancy so is inherently evil in nature. There are very few times when it is needed but it is useful under extreme circumstances when herbal magic just will not work.
I have only seen mother use this once in my lifetime but being next in line I have it with other spells of my people in this spell book.
The second thing I have found necessary to write down is an odd encounter I almost had but avoided on the road. Master Bartrane had set me to Haven again. That is the third time I have had to bring papers or reagents to the mage shop in the city.
Along the way just south of Solace there is a bridge with river traffic that often brings supplies to the city. I have seen a small encampment there but never really took notice of it. This time I did. As I approached and got a good look at the two merchant tents there I saw the hideous creature beside one of the tents. I backed away.
Once out of eyesight I scouted the area noticing a small cliff above the two merchant tents. Dawning my cloak of hiding I hide and slowly worked my way to the high side of the cliff. I got down on my belly and watched the creature. It was standing in front of one tent while a minotaur stood beside the other.
The creature was beastly with gangly arms and legs thick as tree trunks. Its face looked diseased and pushed in. I knew in my heart what it was though this particular creature looked almost half human in appearance. It so disturbed me and gave me knots in my stomach
I knew I had to stay put. Stay calm. I stayed studying every fiber of his features and face while he bantered with his horned companion. I steeled myself until the sun hit the horizon satisfied that I could face one of these demons if ever I were to engage one. I then crept slowly back making my way to the tree city satisfied that I could hold myself steady if or when the time comes.
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Re: Dragonlance Chronicles Reborn

Post by Winterhawk99 »

Aiauta goes up to her room and carefully locks the door. She's been teaching Master Bartrane classes to the few other students while he's been sick. With her help he has gained ground and should be up and about very soon. She can continue her journeys as his courier and magical seamstress.
She undresses and stands before the mirror. Mirrors are expensive and rare things in the human world yet when she first came here Bartrane made sure she was bunked in this very room with one of only two mirrors in the tower. The other being his personal mirror he uses for his own arcane research. She wonders about it. Why would he insist the only other student room with a mirror for her. Fear wells up for a moment: She pushes it away. Just kindness, she thinks to herself. The Master if anything else is the kindest human she has ever known.
For the first time in over six months Aiauta feels safe enough to relax all the muscles in her body. She tilts the large mirror ever so slightly and looks at herself. Her lazy looking eyes behold her figure in apparent disinterest and apathy. She knows its far from the truth. It's just looks that way. Her hips are maturing. It worries her. She has only been in the human world for two years. She should have at least another twenty before it starts.
Her mission as a seeker is on track. While delivering letters and magic supplies to other arcane professionals, and selling her wares in markets she has been able to pick up everything from gossip to relevant things going on in all the realms from Palanthos to Tarsis even as it puts a strain on her need to be alone most of the time. People tire her quickly yet she has come up with the fortitude to bear their presence without letting them know her discomfort. She is well known to the merchant enclaves who readily take in her magical clothes which now include cloaks, hats, belts and other things. In the meantime they tell her of the happenings in their various cities.
It's almost as if the Master knew her need to explore the world without knowing why. Again she worries. Her parents happy in their small village had told her once the humans only use others for their own devices then throw them away once their usefulness is gone. Aiauta now being around humans for a long time knows that sometimes that is true; however sometimes it is not. Or is she deceiving herself.
Other students have moved on. They have taken the test at the tower and have moved on. She is still here. Is Bartrane just using her. She has felt that she has been ready for more than a year now. Yet when the subject comes up he defects her attention somewhere else. Why would he do that? Is he using her because she has become competent at being his assistant, courier, herbalist?
Taking a brush she runs it through her curly hair admiring her form if only for a few moments before resting. It has been a long day and she needs the rest. She gets the kinks out then strangely she pulls all the threads out of the brush and carefully burns them in the lantern. Making sure not one is left that someone can see.
There is so much danger in becoming a seeker. She was taught every precaution to take so that no one would question. She hates it. She would be free of this mission if not for her parents pleading. The few families that enjoy life in the valley must know what goes on in the rest of the world so that they may be able to react to any danger. That is the purpose of the seekers every fifty years or so, sent out know what goes on in the rest of Ansolon.
Still she can see the disappointment in her eyes of not being about to go on pursue her job on her terms instead of having to be chained to the tower of arcane until Bartrane says that she is ready for the tower test. Again she questions the masters intent and how conveniently all her needs have been fulfilled from the mirror to the need to speak and observe the world fall into her lap when she met the master of the school.
There is a knock at the door. Aiauta runs over and puts her back to it holding the door closed even while locked. She flexes her muscles in just the right way before responding, "I'm busy with my own studies who is it?"
A weak voice comes through the door, "It's Sally, Aiauta. There's a man down in the classroom here to see you."
Aiauta wonders at this for there was never a time when she has had a visitor at the school. She asks, "What does he look like?"
"He looks like a mage with strange symbols on his robe. I've never seen them before but the robe is white with green."
Could it be that Master Bartrane has called another to guide her to the tower. That would be the most wonderful thing. Aiauta gets excited and dresses in her traveling clothes then stops. She knows she must always make sure to cover herself. She tilts the mirror and looks at her face. Knowing that everything will be alright she nods, unlocks the door and opens it. Sally is standing there waiting. Aiauta smiles, "Thank you so much. Maybe Master Bartrane thinks I'm finally ready."
The young human girl laughs, "Well if so good luck to you. I'll miss you in the classroom if you are going there."
"I think if I go I will also return. Master Bartrane will need the help coping with you and your classmates."
Sally waves and laughs as Aiauta goes threw the doorway and down the stairs.
Aiauta rushes down the stairs and goes into the hall between the statue and the classroom. One look inside and she slides to the side of the doorway into the classroom hiding herself in shadow. It isn't a tower mage at all its the human she met in the village Mu’awiyah. Why in all the world would he be here. Her parents would be infuriated if they know he had found her or did they send him here for some unknown purpose.
She has to decide whether to leave or stay and face him. Mother and Counsel may have an important message for her yet why would he be here if it were otherwise. Her heart skips a beat then settles down. She has made the decision. She straightens her hat and walks into the classroom.
Master Bartrane is quietly talking with the man as she enters. She greets him, "Master Bartrane, You should be resting to gain your strength. I did not work so hard for a relapse."
Bartrane smiles, "Well, good evening to you too Aiauta. I am fine. I needed to know why a mage I have never heard of before would be coming to the school to see my finest student. Mu’awiyah tells me he's...…."
The olive skinned man cuts him off, "A friend of the family."
Bartrane looks at the man suspiciously and then to her questioningly.
She purses her lips and answers, "Mu'awiyah is known to the family, yes. Though I wonder why he is here?"
Bartrane looks at the other, "I have just visited Aiauta's village. Knowing that she is here I decided to make the trip to see the cities wonders. I see you have a fine school sir. It is impressive. I hope her studies are measuring up to her parents wishes? Other than that since I and her are both here I had hoped that she could be of service as a guide so that I may see this fair city's splendors."
Aiauta isn't happy with this ghost from her near past showing up and its apparent in her eyes yet she states, "If Mu'awiyah needs a guide I will do it with your permission, master."
Bartrane takes an unusually long time to reply measuring both his student and this stranger, "Yes you may guide him since you apparently know him Aiauta. There is however a condition. I want you to wear one of your light gowns and stay in the city proper."
Aiauta curtsies without comment and goes upstairs. She puts one of her gowns on and comes back down. She escorts Mu’awiyah out of the building and into the city. As they walk around Caergoth he strikes up a conversation, "How are your studies going?"
"My studies are going well. Why are you here? Do Mother and Father have a message?"
"No message. I came here on my own. I'm here because the first time I saw you I knew you were different from the other elves."
"Excuse me?"
He looks up at Solinari, "Your white moon is full can you hear it?"
"You are avoiding my question Why are you here?"
"Most of the elves in your village they live their lives quietly wanting only to be alone to study their magic and live a long and peaceful life. From the first time I saw your eyes I knew you had the wanderlust of a kender buried inside of you. Why did your mother send you out to seek if not for that very reason, Aiauta. Let's just say I like to keep track of interesting people especially beautiful maidens who are very talented in magic."
"You assume too much, Mu'awiyah."
"Now its my turn, You have not answered my question. Do you hear it?"
Aiauta purses her lips, "Yes I hear it. I was taught to ignore it. I have responsibilities if Mother dies. I will become Transmuter and be the next leader of the village. I hope never to have to do that though."
"Nor do I, Aiauta I have a proposition for you."
Aiauta gets angry and frustrated not only by the rhythms of her heart but by the forwardness of the human, "If you know my people so well then you know that I am bonded with another. You would not like me when my time has come. I would kill a weak human as many a woman of my village have done so before with our own people. You would not understand the strength of my bond and a human would not have the strength to withstand me."
Mu’awiyah's face turns beet red and he laughs, "Not that kind of proposition, My lady. I have the highest respect for the village elves and their bonds. I don't want to be anywhere near you when you have your time. its not that kind of proposition.
Let me ask you. What will you do after the bond is broken. You will need help. I can teach you so much more than the schools of the arcane can, even the towers. You will be burdened and alone. What will you do? What I offer is guidance. I can teach you so much more than what you know now."
"By that time I will be back in my village living like I have for the last hundred years."
"All I ask, Aiauta is that you think about it. I needs must go back home, soon. It is a long journey. I will come back after several years to see how you are doing. I must say though I find you interesting and a promising student. Ah yes, We have circled the city and have returned to the school. It's time for me to go. Adieu my lady and as I have said think about what I have said. goodnight and well met to you."
Ma'awiyah traces glowing gold symbols in the air around him. They start to move around his body and he disappears. leaving Aiauta wondering who the human really is."
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Re: Dragonlance Chronicles Reborn

Post by Winterhawk99 »

I was involved in my monthly couriering services for Master Bartrane when just south of Solace Heckle started to fly off toward the village of Gateway. I know the area is quite dangerous filled with bandits and willow wisps so I followed as quickly as I could. As I ran up the hill past the little abandoned home I found an unusual site.
A human in heavy plate mail was fighting a group of bandits. His horse lay on the ground looking for all purposes dead. As I approached the human fell to the knaves.
Disregarding my own safety I quickly took a healing kit out of my pack and healed the man. Instead of fleeing and out numbered three to one the man kept on fighting. Of course I had to stay and help. I had been working on my spells so had limited magic but helped him as best I could. Heckle the little runt fled the fight.
Between healing him and protecting myself I used up most of my magic and healing herbs but we downed the ruffians together.
As the last one fell I started to speak to him. As we conversed but a moment I spied more of the bandits approaching. I told him we need to flee. Amazingly he did not want to follow. It seems he was preoccupied about his horse. I really did feel for his horse the poor creature lay there dead or dying but I was out of healing ability. Out of spells and we were about to be attacked by multiple assailants. I insisted that we need to flee. He finally acquiesced to my request and we fled to Solace and the inn. All the while he worried over his four legged companion.
Is a horse similar to my companion Heckle to humans? Perhaps he has a similar connection as I do only with his steed instead of a sting lizard. I must ask Bartrane about this. Heckle and I share a very deep relationship. I can even posses him at times if needed. Could a human possess their steed. I must ask about this.
Once we got to the inn we bought rooms and rested. I studied for some time rearranging my spell repertoire just in case the man need more help.
When I came down the stairs he was waiting for me. We spoke for some time. I found out his name is Robert Markham and that he is a knight of the rose. He was still worried about his horse. I told him that I would help him after I restocked my healing herbs but only if he was a person of good intent.
Robert became quite infuriated by the question. He talked about what it is to be the knight of the rose and that his honor and goodness are unquestionable. Then he calmed down. I noted his ire. It may have been justified, but I had to ask to see what reaction I would get from him. Not all humans keep their word. Some mask themselves in organizations of good intent even though they are not. They do this for power, wealth and other things. These kinds of humans are the worst. You know a bandits intent when they attack you in the forest or along the roads. You do not know the intent of a powerful magistrate, A knight with an abundance of lands, A captain of a ship cloaking himself as a privateer.
All these things I have read about in the books of the school. Humans often have a bloody and violent history. Still I found Robert to be an interesting human and seemingly devote in his vows as a knight.
I told him we would meet back at the inn. I am very interested in his story to add to my journal for when I report my experiences to Diviner and Counsel. Unfortunately when I came back The knight was gone. I waited a day and a night then had to continue on my own journey. I had even borrowed the alchemy laboratory at the local school to make potions for him to help him when we went to see what happened to his steed.
It seems that I have missed an opportunity to get to know about knights and what they do first hand. Hopefully I will find another to journey with or to sit down at an inn so that I may know one and about their lives and vows to their orders. It will enrich my seeking a great deal, and perhaps I will find another friend on the outside of my small village. If I see Robert again I will do my best to help him and learn about his people.
Until then I will continue my journey in this strange place and study for the test of magic.
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Re: Dragonlance Chronicles Reborn

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During my recent travels I have met a new person of interest. A human by the name of Rali. Once while taking letters to the school In Solace and once on the road returning a few days later. She tells me she lives alone in the forest and keeps to herself. Could she be another seeker from another village? I am not sure. She is a shy person not used to others as I when starting on this quest.
On my second encounter with Rali I was walking back to crossings from Solace when I noticed the hobgoblins in the area were not alerted to my presence and giving chase. I decided to investigate the strange quiet in the area. The bounty hunter told me a woman was headed to the caverns the beasts occupy.
I went to the cave unmolested. Ducking in I found Rali covered in blood yet none the worst for wear. She apparently was exploring the caves. We exchanged pleasantries and I added some help to her quest by using a spell that would help her.
Not wanting to be a burden I then left her to her task. I also must needs back to the school to help Master Bartrane with his lessons.
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Re: Dragonlance Chronicles Reborn

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Again while Couriering in Solace I have come upon an interesting individual. unfortunately this time I believe it was not a very happy encounter. I was leaning over the balcony at the inn in the treetops watching the crowds below. As I watched an elf in a black robe started to walk toward the city smith. His dog suddenly veered off ran up the steps and started to harass my sting lizard, Heckle. All the while I had this odd feeling. The dog looked like a great Doberman war dog with red eyes it smelled of ash and brimstone...…….Its a hell hound from the infernal places of the abyss!
I grabbed Heckle's jesses and pulled him too me throwing up the magical shield of protection. The hell hound backed away from the barrier and paced back and forth growling just outside of the circle. Currently its master came up the stairs. The protective ring seemed to make him sick too for he also backed away toward his creature and stood just outside contemplating Heckle and I.
There was silence for some time while we regard one another. A thousand things went through my mind the first of which is will the tower rules of etiquette prevail? The second is I'm glad it is a public place. Heckle had already been attacked and I hoped that things would not escalate especially with so many coming in and out of the local inn. Thankfully the situation did not.
We spoke after a time. I learned that he had studied under a tower mage a woman but he had left his studies and his mistress. The way he said it somehow did not seem right. It was not a pleasant parting from what I took from his words. I do not know if he is a renegade but I do have my suspicions. Although to be frank I have often thought about breaking away from Master Bartrane this last year. My studies have languished and I now do not much more than deliver letters and components, help teach classes, make potions, cook, and do my tailoring business. Master Bartrane has become much more involved with other students than myself.
I do know what it feels like to be frustrated still my parents would most likely want me to complete my education and become a proper tower mage, perhaps. Due to my resent visit I suppose they know I am studying for the tower test and approve; If not the human would have delivered a letter or said that my parents do not want me to take the test. There is a danger and I well know for if my mask is pierced I may have to go home to find refuge and await the day and year he who is connect to me finds me.
I told him that it was surprising for an elf to take up the robes of the black. He seemed quite offended by my remark and answered strangely thinking I found it offensive. I replied back that I did not find it offensive I found it intriguing. He then ran off about power and wealth and accused me of wanting the same even though I wore white. It gave me some idea about how black robes think.
He also mentioned that there was someone behind him Nuitari. As if he had direct contact with this dark god of magic. They have some sort of plan for the way the towers work. Well, at least he stuck by the rules of the guild at least in this encounter except he didn't give me his name.
I did try to counsel him to take the test. He said that he would take the stupid test but things at the towers were about to change. That I think sent the hairs on the back of my head up. What did this black robe want to do? or was he just being grandiose trying to be more than what he is. I don't know but if I do become a tower mage while I seek I will have to keep a close lookout for this one. I feel he is a danger and perhaps not quite sane. An insane mage with power is a danger to the whole of Ansolon.
Near the end of our conversation he started throwing magic upon himself and his beast. I followed his jesters and words as close as I could while slipping my hand into my component bag just in case of hostile spellcasting getting my own spell prepared. It turned out to be nothing just some transmuting spells to help protect himself and his dog before he left.
We parted peacefully but he never told me his name a breach of tower rules if I am not mistaken, but then again I don't always give mine unless asked. I did ask him he chuckled and wouldn't give me an answer. I still know his voice and mannerisms I will remember him.
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Re: Dragonlance Chronicles Reborn

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There is a hidden glade close to Caergoth that many apprentice mage practice: just past the eastern gate behind the adventurers camp. In the center of the glade within a thaumaturgic circle stands a young woman with an old worn tome in her hands. She bears the resemblance of a dark skinned qualinesti elf with blonde hair and short stature.
The young woman starts to read an incantation from the pages of the old tome. It is a complex series of invocations that takes some time to recite. As she gets to the middle of her reading she notices a form just at the edge of the circle. It disrupts her concentration. The spell is broken. She sighs and looks in the forms direction. It is Master Bartrane a White Robe archmagi from the towers arcane. She quickly stores the book inside the folds of her robe and walks out of the circle.
"Good morning, Master Bartrane. How are you feeling?"
"I'm feeling well at least twenty years younger thanks to your herbal concoctions. Tell me Aiauta how did you come by such knowledge of plants?"
The young woman smiles, "I don't know I guess it's a gift bestowed from those that watch over us."
"Ah yes the gods." Bartrane walks along the circle. Aiauta follows him.
"I've never seen a circle of protection like this, and don't recognize the symbols?"
"Just village magic, Master Bartrane. it doesn't have the potencies of tower magic. How did you find me? I just needed practice in the old magic and wanted to be away from the school for it."
"Well I did not send you anywhere and you were missing from the school. You could say I have a knack for finding my students. Especially when they tend to find this hidden glade surrounded by succulent plants that can be picked for dinner. After all when I was an apprentice a very long time ago; I would come here to practice.
"Of course it is deductive reasoning."
Bartrane chuckles, "Be that as it may Aiauta. I need to speak to you about some things. There is a tourney this week in Caergoth. I thought it might be a nice place to discuss your development. I have rented a box for us. Go to the school and put something on proper for an apprentice and we will go enjoy the festivities. And in the meantime have a discussion. Besides, I have noticed that you may have some questions of your own regarding your latest venture."
"Master, There will be many of the populace at the tourney. I would be uncomfortable there."
"Yes, I know Aiauta. Growing up in a small elven village has its disadvantages as well as its advantages. You need to do this. Do not worry. I will be by your side and you are becoming an accomplished mage yourself. Between the two of us I think we will be able to handles things. You will be safe."
"I'm not afraid of anyone, I just feel confined when there are too many people around me its not natural."
"Alright then, back to the tower then to the joust young lady. I paid a pretty good fee so lets not tarry."

The two walk back to the tower, change and meet near the statue of Adana that graces the entranceway as the sun nears its zenith they walk to the tourney grounds. A squire finds them quickly and guides them to their box above the stands. They sit down and watch several jousts before Bartrane starts the conversation, "See it isn't so bad up here away from the crowds. its like its just the two of us."
Aiauta doesn't say anything. She just nods while looking down at the throng of people milling about the area.
"You told me about an encounter with one of our black robed brothers? It seemed to disturb you even though you didn't say much about it. I would like to hear more about this if you please."
"Aiauta wrinkles her brows and her lazy eyes suddenly come to life, "I saw him passing by while watching people go about their daily routines on the balcony of the inn at Solace. I really didn't think much of it until his war hound attacked heckle...….not really attack he was harassing him. I noticed it was not ordinary hound. It was from the infernal places of the night. A hell hound. I threw the shield you taught me to keep it at bay.
It's master made his presence known and we spoke at length. The black robe appeared to be an elf like me. I did not know that an elf would take up a black robe. What he said disturbed me. Not because of what he said, because I simply don't understand evil or better how someone would willing chose to give into the unconscionable desires and emotions like greed, arrogance, lust for power and trade coin among the many other things that make them the way they are.
What do you say about this Master Bartrane?"
"Asking why someone takes the black or follows a path of self-destruction is like asking why the stars fill the heavens at night. There are a thousand, thousand reasons. None which I can fully explain. It just is Aiauta, and know that though you may face them in your ventures always remember that they are brothers and sisters in magic as a whole. They deserve some measure of respect.
This brings up an interesting question I have of you. How do you truly think people should live and be guided in life?"
Aiauta takes a very long time to answer. Her eyes shift several times as if thinking intently about Bartrane's question. A full joust takes place while she is thinking about it. When she answers it surprises him, "I think that people should be able to live whatever life they chose as long as they do no harm to another whether that be another person or animal. There are times when you have to end a life but only if that being is dedicated to ending yours."
"A thoughtful and surprising answer my apprentice. I would not think that you would say such things by the way you always adhere to my wishes and are thoughtful of my needs."
"Do you think what I said is wrong, Master Bartrane? I think it would be obvious."
"Remember what I said when we found out you were a transmuter and different from most mages. There is no right or wrong answer here. It's just a different hair color you wear upon your soul. I am somewhat pleased by this but you and I are slightly different on how we see the world and society. I wish to explore this more, Therefore I give you a scenario.
You see a child in danger. A black robe has him in the center of a pentomic circle. You see in the black robes eyes that he means the kill the child to gain more power from the dark forces that guide him. You read the circles inscriptions and know that if the young one dies it will be confined to the abyss for an eternity of torcher. What would you do?"
"I would try to save the child."
"You cannot save the child unless you use dark magic to kill the other mage."
"I would kill the mage."
"The child is a blank slate. The black robe has already made his decision and his desire for power by condemning an innocent is unconscionable in my eyes."
"Even though it would put a stain on your own soul by using dark magic?"
"And what of magic itself, Aiauta what do you think of the use of magic itself."
"It's strange that you would ask that, master Bartrane. Since I have come here I have often thought about this subject. I grew up in a place were all practiced forms of magic. We don't see it as a means to power or a way to promote our self-interests. It's simply a tool we use much like a hammer or garden hoe.
It wasn't until I came here and spoke to others and their preoccupation with the power involved in casting that I realized that humans take a very different view of magic than we do. I am guessing that not everyone can use magic and therefore mages become more prominent with the more magic that they can master."
"Tis a good supposition Aiauta. It is not the whole of it but power and prominence play a good part of why humans take the robes. Those that have the ability to cast in the first place."
Aiauta suddenly studies the crowd intently looking from individual to individual. While doing so she pulls her hood up closely covering her eyes. Intrigued Bartrane asks, "Is there anything wrong, Aiauta?"
"You said we were safe here, Master. It's just I thought I smelled something familiar."
"And that would be?"
"Flowers. I thought I smelled flowers."
Bartrane laughs, "It's probably your breath, Aiauta after all everyone knows that you smell like flowers that's practically all you eat."
The two of them laugh. She takes down her hood, "You're probably right. But I eat mushrooms, moss and lots of other things too."
Bartrane rolls his eyes, "I know young lady you've tried to feed me both the silliest things and some things that are surprisingly good.
How is your family by the way?"
"I'm sure they are happy in their little valley. No one comes but every decade or two. They are safe and happy as always."
"You love them don't you?"
Aiauta grins, "Of course I love them. They raised me with love and sometimes with a hard hand when needed but always a reason."
"What about that young human mage that visited you. I noticed the way you look at one another, well at least he for you. What was his name?"
"Mu'awiyah? I've only met him twice. Once for only moments before I made my journey out into the world, and here when he came to speak to me."
"So you have no feelings for the man?"
"He is interesting, exotic, and refreshing but I am bound to another."
"And this other person?"
"I don't know him. Let us say that it was arranged long ago."
"Well look at the hour. The jousting is nearly over. Let's depart for the tower, Aiauta. Its getting late.
"Thank you, Master. Would you like me to make you something when we get back?"
"No, I wish to have something hardier than what you make, However I do have some potatoes in the kitchen. Your welcome to use some for your own dinner Aiauta."
"Thank you I think I will."
The two exit the box and down the ladder. They walk to their abode slowly speaking of the news of the day and the winners of the days tourneys. The sun sets as they make the threshold and disappear into the schools doors.
CTP team member
Chief cook and bottle washer for Harvest Moon

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